Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, 10 July 2007


I had my cervical survellience done today at the Royal womens hospital this morning. This has to be done for me due to the cervical tear I had during my c-section when I had Caleb which was a tear from my uterus to my cervix, vagina. Because of the severe tear I had, future pregnancies must be monitored closely as my cervix is weak therefore might shortened and cause a miscarriage. Anyway, it was all well during my check up and my cervix was of good length. What a relief!

My ultrasound will be on 31July and should be able to know what gender my baby #2 will be then. I am very excited to find out and I seriously hope this time I will have a girl. :P

This pregnancy has been pretty bad due to the bad morning sickness I had and am still recovering from it. I threw up a lot during my 1st trimester and was so sensitve to lots of smells and food plus I have very poor appetite. The hardest food I couldn't take was garlic as lots of Chinese food has that! My appetite is getting much better nowsdays except I am still not into garlicky stuff.

Anyway, my baby is due 21 Dec 07. Because of my condition, I will be having a c-section again. Hope this time, I will recover faster so I can take care of my new lil one as well as my sticky Caleb.

More updates soon!

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